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12 October 2020 | Chrismont Wines
Experience your own 3D tour of our award-winning King Valley culinary complex
Behold your own bespoke 3D digital stroll of the Chrismont Cellar Door, Restaurant and Larder, designed by CITE to provide you with a 360-degree immersive experience. Continue »
16 January 2020 | Chrismont Wines
Chrismont joins in on the Pinot Gris VS Grigio conversation with Wine Selectors
“What makes our Pinot Grigio style so distinctive is the decision to harvest the fruit early to achieve light floral fruit flavours with good natural acidity”. Warren Proft, Chrismont winemaker Continue »
12 January 2020 | Chrismont Wines
A message of heartfelt thanks
We’d like to convey heartfelt thanks for the many messages of care we’ve received these past 12 days, and to provide an update with what’s happening at Chrismont. Continue »