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Chrismont Wines
1 November 2017 | Chrismont Wines

When North meets South

As I gaze over the vineyard at Chrismont, watching the sunset over the King Valley, I am presented with a view that is breathtaking and tranquil. A reminder of how easy life can be when we take away the traffic and the noise of life itself. It also paints a picture perfect belief that everything out here is calm and heavenly.  Continue »

Time Posted: 01/11/2017 at 12:07 PM Permalink to When North meets South Permalink
Chrismont Wines
17 August 2017 | Chrismont Wines

‘Out and About’ takes a King Valley dining tour

The Border Mail’s “out and about” made a special trip to sample the food and wine scene of the King Valley, which included a stop over at our Cellar Door, Restaurant and Larder (August 2017).  Continue »

Time Posted: 17/08/2017 at 2:01 PM Permalink to ‘Out and About’ takes a King Valley dining tour Permalink



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